Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chapter 6 – Becoming a Member of a Community

Academic writing

To become a member of Sukarelawan Siswa Polis DiRaja Malaysia (SUKSIS) of Islamic Science University of Malaysia, students must participate in an interview session. Students must wear smart clothes and show a good discipline. They must sit at the outside of the SUKSIS office as waiting before their name call. One police officer calls each student’s name. When the students hear their name, they walk up to and enter to the office. They need to sit properly and answer all questions with clean and clear by interviewer. The result will know a week after. Who’s name have in list, it means that the student success with enough criteria. After that, the students get uniform to wear at each time that has activities. At this point, the student becomes a member of the Sukarelawan Siswa Polis DiRaja Malaysia (SUKSIS) in Islamic Science University of Malaysia.